
Notable Projects:
- Staten Island South Beach
Psychiatric Center
- Automatic Doors, Thermal Break
Storefront & Bullet Resistant Glass
- MTA at 42nd St. & 8th Ave.
Subway Station
- 2-Hr. Fire-Rated Door and Window
System At 42nd St. & 8th Ave. Subway
- BCBG Max Azria at 41st St. & 5th
- CR Laurence All Glass Entrance
System, ˝” Tempered Glass, & Brass
- Downtown Athletic Club
- Landmark Chevron Grille & Window
- Hotel le Bleu at 4th Ave. in
Downtown Brooklyn
- 48 Balconies With Doors & 48 All
Glass Showers and Baths
- 598 Broadway
- Custom Landmark Restoration,
Glass, Doors & Grilles
- St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital
59th St. Outpatient Entrance
- Custom Color Curtain Wall,
Insulated Glass, Automatic Swing
Doors, ADA
- 95
Wall St. Dwell Residence
- Custom Gym and Lounge Mirrors &
Julius Blum Rail System
- Beth Israel Medical Center at
Union Square -- Main Lobby
- Herculite Doors, Kawneer
Storefront System Clad In Brass,
Architectural Louvers
- Newark Airport Hilton Hotel --
Main Lobby
- 128 Pieces Black Spandrel Glass
Over Columns & Curved Glass and
Brass Railing
- 45 John St.
- 13th & 14th Floors Curtain Wall &
Balcony Doors, Mahogany, Brass &
Glass Lobby
- 17 John St.
- Automatic Telescopic Sliding
Doors, Insulated Glass, & Anodized
- Beth Israel Medical Center at
295 1st Ave.
- Aluminum Doors & Aluminum Railing
- 185 5th Ave.
- ˝” Tempered Glass, Butt Glazed
Over Granite Bulkhead
- Gabby O’Hara’s Pub at 123 West
39th St.
- Custom Glass Entrance Doors & ˝”
Temp. Glass Curtain Wall w/
Stainless Steel
Company Address Information
2180 Forest Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10303
P: 718-427-5301
F: 718-273-7128